
Your Creative Wins Good Design Awards

Northcote Rise and Rural Women Online Recognised in Australia’s International Good Design Awards for Design Excellence.

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The winners of Australia’s peak international design awards were announced on Friday 16th September at the 2022 Australian Good Design Awards. The Good Design Awards are the highest honour for design and innovation in the country and reward projects across 11 design disciplines covering more than 30 categories and sub-categories.

Northcote Rise and Rural Women Online received a  Good Design Award Winner Accolade in the Communication Design category in recognition for outstanding design and innovation.



The Australian Good Design Awards is the country’s oldest and most prestigious international awards for design and innovation with a proud history dating back to 1958. Each year, the Awards celebrate the best new products and services on the Australian and international market, excellence in architectural design, engineering, fashion, digital and communication design, and reward new and emerging areas of design including design strategy, social impact design, design research and up-and-coming design talent in the next-gen category.



The 2022 Good Design Awards attracted high-quality design projects from Australia and around the world. These innovative projects were evaluated by more than 70 Australian and international Jurors, including designers, engineers, architects and thought leaders. Each entry was evaluated according to a strict set of design evaluation criteria which includes Good Design, Design Innovation and Design Impact.

Projects recognised with an Australian Good Design Award demonstrate excellence in professional design and highlight the impact a design-led approach has on business success and social and environmental outcomes.

The Good Design Awards Jury commented on Northcote Rise: “This project showcases a bright and energetic design representing the suburb of Northcote Rise. Through the use of colours and illustration, it gives the suburb a unique personality and truly grabs your attention. Credit is due to those who researched with the community to understand how to best portray their suburb based of shared values and views.”

The Good Design Awards Jury commented on Rural Women Online: “This brand speaks to simplicity. By offering transparency, it which caters well to different touchpoints through use of colour and typography. A well executed project based off an important and interesting brief. Not only is it a clear and concise brand system, it will deliver high societal impact.”

Dr. Brandon Gien, CEO of Good Design Australia and Chair of the Australian Good Design Awards said: “To be recognised with an Australian Good Design Award is a significant achievement, given the incredibly high standard of projects submitted in this year’s Awards. The Good Design Award is a valuable independent endorsement of professional design quality. It tells the world this project not only represents design excellence, but it also surpasses the criteria for design innovation and design impact.”

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